Version 1.0 of Mobile P2P Interoperability Framework published
The Berlin Group has officially published Version 1.0 of the Mobile P2P Interoperability Framework on its website. The Framework documents define a standard set of functional and technical requirements to enable a pan-European, interoperable and scalable Mobile P2P acceptance across the SEPA area, based on open industry standards. Version 1.0 includes the feedback from the public market consultation in February/March 2017. The Framework documents will be of interest to Mobile P2P scheme services, financial institutions, mobile network operators, payment processors and technical vendors operating in Mobile P2P payment services.
The Mobile P2P Interoperability Framework Version 1.0 documents can be found here:
Standardisation efforts will continue in September 2017 with development of functional extensions for support of a.o. Payment Request, Collection of funds for a group of members, and specific Mobile P2B solutions.